Monday, August 24, 2009

ramblings of a social work student (previously posted on my xanga)

I have been finding some really interesting blogs to read on regarding social workers direct experience with their training and work in the field...sorry xanga, I just really want to get a feel for what people are encountering as social workers since I have not been doing any field experience in the last few months due to summer. I still love xanga but when it comes down to it, this place is more of the time more of an an entertainment source than a professional resource. so of course it looks like I will be bouncing between the sites as I am interesting in both writing outlets. Anyways, as I read peoples own stories of working with clients, I wonder: will I be a good social worker, will I have the confidence, or the right words to say, the knowledge on hand to diagnose people who need mental health assistance. Concurrently, I realize I should not let my own insecurities hold me from helping people-after all there is no greater desire I have than to help the poor, sick, needy, and hurting. I know that this is indeed social work indeed is the field God has called me to for such a time as this.... I just have to go forth and do it! Experience and confidence will come with the training and application of the skills I pick up. I am coming to realize that additional blogging about my experiences may also be another wonderful tool in my continued learning process to help me reflect on what I have encountered and piece it better together to help me grow as a social worker. I know that I am not the same from all the social work skills I have accumulated in the year since I have entered the social work field and in another year, I will definately go even further. I am praying that I maintain humbleness in it all as I act in kindness and service to clients in need. I am also seeking a job at the end of this that will give me further purpose as a result of my training as an Master's level Social Worker. Through I am leaning more towards heading back to my roots in New England, who knows if the Lord will have me stay put here in Rochester. He holds the pen, not I and I give Him the pen as I continue this journey.

(for more of my previous posts go here

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    Nice to meet you. Thanks for your very kind comment on my blog. My blog can be a bit of rambling mess sometimes between my struggles with my girls and my work as a School Social Worker, but I try to get some messages in there.

    I will say that I am thrilled that God pointed you in the direction of Social Work. I have my Master's Degree and have been working in the field of Family Mental Health, since 1985. I love every single second of it, even the days that are difficult or when a child or client is hurting so deeply. I'm just so thankful God put me in a position where I can be there to help. In the beginning, I wanted to fix, I've learned through the years that most of the time I can't do that, but planting the seeds and being a support, makes a huge difference in a persons life. I love being there to love and help others. You'll know what to say, the words will come. You are so right too, that with time and experience, the words just seem to flow naturally. That is not to say I don't wish for that magic wand from time to time, lol.
    Welcome to the blogging world and I'm glad you found me. I look forward to getting to know you.
